R.I.P. - STEVE JOBS. One dies, Millions Cry. Millions die, No-one Cries.

We remember your Memory:• A 'Genius' whose Global Empire was literally built on the back of Underage Chinese Slave Labour working in horrific conditions. Some were driven to SUICIDE.• Your fearsome Legal & Private Security Team that ANNIHILATED smaller prey.• Oligarchal Power/Bilderberger Elitist Ruthlessly Striving for Global Domination• Wielding Power Over Government, Media with fellow Global Plutocrats
• Censorship, Authoritarianism, bullying, humiliating, manipulation, intimidation & fear of Staff
• The HUNDREDS OF 1000's of people that SUFFERED due to your relentless pursuit of GREATNESS, Love of GREED and POWER.
• Not 1 cent did you ever DONATE to Charity.
Did you leave your $7 BILLION to any of the underage Chinese workers whom you ruthlessly exploited driving some to suicide?
Finally, does your £7 BILLION keep you warm at night?
by: Exposing The Truth